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Four Reasons Your Company Needs a Top Contact Database and Contact Management Software

Best Contact Database Software for B2B Sales

Modern businesses need the right contact database solution to gain effective results from the ever-increasing amount of customer, lead, and vendor data available.

To successfully optimize their operations and drive growth, there’s a myriad of factors that every business needs to consider before choosing a contact managing software solution.

For instance, does the provider ensure the customer contacts they provide are both accurate and up to date? Does it comply with the regulations of the countries you’re operating in? Can it help you find new prospects faster?

We break down everything you need to know to select the best contact database provider for your business needs.

What is a contact database?

Let’s begin with the fundamentals. A contact database is a centralized repository of information about your customers or prospects. This information includes prospects’ names, contact details, interactions with your business, and other relevant facts.

Regardless of the industry or department that uses it, a business contacts database can be an invaluable resource, helping to streamline workflows and optimize the use of data.

Which teams use a management database for customer contacts?

  • Marketing teams. Marketing professionals can personalize experiences for their target audiences using contact management software, leading to improved conversion rates. They can also use first-party data gathered from website visitors to steer them toward fresh prospects and draw upon campaign performance analytics to identify opportunities for improvement and shape future campaigns.

  • Sales teams. Sales teams given access to sales database software reap benefits including improved collaboration options and quick access to lead insights. These advantages help them to deliver exceptional customer journeys, deliver conversions, and increase loyalty. Sophisticated tools like Dealfront crucially serve to refine their sales prospecting initiatives by highlighting their most promising leads.

  • Customer support teams. Contact management software empowers support teams to serve users effectively by showing each customer’s history and preferences. When a support agent knows about the pain points of the person they’re helping, they can optimize their actions accordingly, helping avert the kind of frustration that can lead to complaints and even reputational damage.

Four reasons why your business needs a contact database

Let’s explore four ways a simple contact database can benefit businesses.

1) Enhanced customer relationship management

In a world where 62% of consumers are ready to leave a brand if it fails to deliver personalized interactions, providing relevant customer experiences is more important than ever.

By offering personalization for customers, you demonstrate your understanding of their needs and pain points. Most importantly, you will show that you have the knowledge required to solve their problems.

A contact database helps you meet these expectations by tracking previous customer interactions, preferences, and purchase history. These insights are essential to creating personalized messaging and targeted marketing campaigns.

2) Improved lead management

Without a consolidated customer contact database, your teams will have to handle multiple sources of information to try and make sense of a prospect’s unique situation.

This typically results in slower workflows, a worse understanding of a client’s needs, and an increased likelihood of errors.

Using a centralized contact information database instead increases efficiency. Moving leads through the many stages of the sales pipeline on one consolidated pipeline simplifies workflows and boosts conversion rates.

3) Streamlined communication

When all your teams work as one, your business becomes almost unstoppable. You can creatively circumvent any obstacles and achieve whatever goal you put your mind to.

However, to reach this kind of effortless alignment, your communication must be exceptional. By storing all contact information in one, readily accessible place, your employees can easily retrieve the customer data they need to strategize or solve client-related challenges together.

While manual searches can cause delays, interrupt workflows, and make teams go out of sync, a consolidated sales contact database will empower your people with the data and resources they need to succeed.

4) Remarkable marketing outcomes

A well-organized contact database can supercharge your marketing initiatives in multiple ways.

Firstly, with relevant information about a customer’s preferences always at hand, you can target them with hyper-personalized content, improving conversion and retention rates.

Secondly, by tracking the effect of your outreach initiatives on each prospect, you can easily identify what works and what needs to be tweaked. Fine-tune accordingly, repeat, and you’ll have a successful campaign.

Lastly, a database of contacts can boost your company's productivity to the next level. A centralized repository of information allows teams to quickly gain the knowledge they need to do their job effectively, avoiding wasting precious resources and saving time and energy for the tasks that matter most.

10 benefits of a contact management database system

As we briefly explained, contact management software simplifies the creation and management of your contact database.

But how does that translate into real-world benefits?

1) Superior understanding of customer behavior

Compared to a static database organized with spreadsheets, the right online contact management tool will allow you to store a great deal of information about your customers and prospects. This knowledge will empower your teams to derive insightful strategies by analyzing their search and purchase patterns.

2) Optimized data organization

Keeping a well-organized database is the key to making the best use of your precious data. This means having a repository that is always up-to-date and where information can be accessed quickly and easily. Achieving these goals through manual upkeep of your database can be extremely demanding, but cloud contact management online enables you to do so almost effortlessly.

3) Boosted efficiency

By optimizing administrative tasks, automating repetitive processes, and offering easy access to relevant information, you can empower your teams to save time and resources. These can then be directed to more creative and important tasks.

4) Enhanced collaboration

When all employees have quick access to a centralized database that is updated in real time, they are all on the same level. They can all work together with the same information without the risk of that intel being outdated.

5) Improved customer service

Consequently, customer profiles will always be up-to-date, enabling your agents to provide relevant and personalized support. This way, consumers will show higher satisfaction and loyalty rates, greatly benefiting your business.

6) Scalability

When your company expands, the amount of information you have about customers and their preferences tends to grow exponentially. A scalable contact management database solution will help you meet these new requirements by managing contact lists, adding new features in a modular way, and seamlessly integrating with your tech stack.

7) An edge over the competition

Having a B2B contact database is already an exceptional resource by itself. However, adding capabilities such as predictive insights, AI-driven suggestions, and omnichannel engagement capabilities can be game-changing for your business.

8) Increased marketing success

When vital information about your leads is lost or forgotten, your teams might miss some golden opportunities to close deals or—worse—deliver subpar experiences that drive customers away.

Not only does a contacts manager software prevent these outcomes, but—by improving collaboration between your teams, understanding of your customers, and factors such as overall loyalty—it can also supercharge your marketing initiatives.

9) Unmatched data security

An important factor too often overlooked when handling customer information is how easily it can fall into the wrong hands.

From sophisticated cyberattacks to casual employee negligence, your company must protect private data at all costs. 

A modern contact management solution can help you achieve this goal by encrypting sensitive information or strictly regulating access. Data backup capabilities will also protect you from ransom requests after a breach. 

10) Regulatory compliance

Data security is not only beneficial to your customers and brand reputation. It also makes compliance easier. 

Maintaining a secure contact database helps your business adhere to essential regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This minimizes the risks of ending up in legal trouble or facing hefty fines.

How to create a customer database step-by-step

So far, we have discussed how leveraging a customer database can bring significant advantages to your organization. But, what's the best way to implement this strategy? 

Follow these steps, and you won't get lost along the way:

  1. Store your customer data in a centralized repository that is easy to access. Traditionally, companies have been doing this manually whenever they acquire new contact information. Some companies have added a degree of automation through web forms. 

  2. The best way to make the first step of this process more efficient and scalable is to use a specialized solution for online contact management. Database software for contacts can help you reduce the time needed to update and access data, minimize duplication and errors, and (most importantly) automate a myriad of tasks (data entry, updates, reminders). This frees up your teams to work on what matters most. 

  3. Track the effectiveness of your database through reports and analytics, with a particular focus on KPIs. This way, you’ll know if your initiative is going well or if it needs to be adjusted in any particular areas. 

  4. Clean your database to ensure only relevant contacts remain. When your storage contains information that is inaccurate, duplicated, or no longer useful, your database risks being cluttered, and it becomes harder to navigate. Delete redundant information on a regular basis, guided by step three, to make sure your tool is always up-to-date and effective. 

Key features of a contact management database

When evaluating contacts management solutions, you should also look for certain essential features that may benefit your company. These usually include:

  • A database to store your contact details, including names, emails, phone numbers, social media contacts, and addresses.

  • Data analysis capabilities and strong search and filter features. This way, you can form multiple lists or quickly retrieve information based on specific parameters—for example, age, location, interests, or industry—enabling you to address specific segments of your target audience.

  • The ability to write notes and reminders. This allows you to contextualize past customer interactions without the need to read through old logs and messages. 

  • Lead management software to assess and track leads when they enter your marketing funnel, minimizing the likelihood of missed opportunities and boosting your conversion rates.

  • Being able to easily import and export contact data to improve collaboration between teams and access information in your preferred format. 

  • Tools to automate manual tasks. This should include analyzing prospect intent, booking meetings, and finding contact details.

  • The ability to identify duplicate contacts and merge them to avoid redundant information. 

  • Seamless integration to your existing CMS and sales software, social media channels, and systems.

The best contact database software in 2024

Identifying the right software provider for your needs is crucial for maximizing the benefits of your business contact database and succeeding at the steps outlined above. However, that’s easier said than done.

To help you with your selection process, here are some of the best solutions available today.

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1) Dealfront

Dealfront is a go-to-market (GTM) platform designed to help modern organizations operate with the highest compliance standards. Its transparent approach ensures you won’t have to worry about GDPR violations or privacy risks. 

Over 10,000 companies trust it to find and reach more sales-ready prospects by collecting contacts from public data, trade registers, and website visitors. 

With Dealfront, you can supercharge your teams with actionable insights into businesses that are relevant to you, identify key decision-makers and their contact details, and effortlessly integrate with your pre-existing tech stack for optimized workflows.


The sales platform was built to help businesses find, engage, and close deals with ideal customers. It offers a vast and comprehensive B2B contact database, with many filters for precise lead identification, and integrates with existing CRM systems to enhance workflow efficiency and ensure up-to-date records.

It also provides robust tools for prospecting, sales engagement, and automation. Users can create sequences, make calls, send emails, manage tasks, and use the built-in analytics features to optimize their sales processes and drive revenue growth.

3) LinkedIn

LinkedIn’s flagship Sales Navigator leverages LinkedIn's extensive network to build a contact database that enhances sales prospecting. It offers advanced lead recommendations and allows direct communication with prospects via InMail, making it easy to customize outreach using unique company details.

It also works seamlessly with many other sales tools and CRMs, allowing streamlined workflows with consistent data. Factor in the versatility of the overall LinkedIn platform and you have a convenient one-stop shop for outreach.

4) ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo offers a unified engagement platform to aid sales, marketing, and even recruitment. Coupling an expansive B2B contact database with a variety of powerful AI-driven automations and enhancements, it aims to deliver the tools to make every GTM team more productive.

Users can invest further in ZoomInfo’s premium products of Chorus, Chat, and Engage to enhance their forecasts, conversations, and sales routines. The platform’s commitment to compliance and user-friendliness make it a very safe option.

5) Cognism

Concentrating on phone numbers and email addresses for B2B, Cognism grants unrestricted access to a database of personal and corporate contacts.

Using a combination of AI and human verification, it ensures that its phone numbers in particular are consistently accurate and ready for lead generation. Cognism users can draw upon a strong set of integration options (including Hubspot and SalesLoft) to enrich all the sales data they work with.

6) 6Sense

6sense uses a smart system called Revenue AI to identify accounts that are ready to buy by analyzing online research trails left by prospects during online research. The main selling point of this system is that it picks up on signals that take place before any overt vendor interactions and adds them to its contact database.

It can then provide sales professionals with detailed insights to help them engage with the right accounts at the right times. Alternatively, it can automate a big portion of the sales process by creating personalized messages and even booking meetings.

7) Clay

Clay consolidates a wide range of data enrichment tools into a single platform, which means it can offer extensive and accurate contact information with insightful firmographics. It also features a custom AI web scraper with the ability to gather lead information from relevant websites and online resources like case studies.

This contact database forms the basis for Clay’s AI messaging tool, which uses GPT to craft personalized messages for large-scale outreach campaigns. And, since it has enterprise-grade security, it’s viable for big businesses.

8) Zendesk Sell

Zendesk Sell is a sales CRM platform designed to help you streamline contact management and increase productivity.

The solution offers mobile access and an intuitive UI that integrates easily into your operations, regardless of your employees’ location.

Zendesk Sell elevates sales efficiency by including accurate and relevant prospect information in their contact database. This helps agents become advisors, not just salespeople, and boost conversions by building meaningful connections with customers.

9) HubSpot

HubSpot Smart CRM is a solution powered by AI to connect agents with customer data that amplifies the capabilities of marketing, sales, and service teams.

The platform allows you to automatically update reports and view your entire sales funnel in real time through a single, easy-to-navigate dashboard. 

With HubSpot, your business can effortlessly monitor prospects’ interactions across email, social media, or calls—receiving AI-generated recommendations and suggestions on what to do next.


Monday sales CRM is a great tool to organize your contacts database and maintain a clear view of your sales pipeline, thanks to a platform that is fully customizable without a single line of code. 

The solution is uniquely simple and easy to use, but it is still packed with AI-enhanced features such as automated task creation, email composition and rephrasing, content generation and summarizing, formula building, and more. 

Revolutionize your search for new customers with the most accurate B2B contact database for Europe

Dealfront provides the necessary tools to support data your strategy. With a database of over 40m companies built with true compliance at its core, Dealfront is the contact database solution that you can trust.

Dealfront enables you to:

  • Access a vast database with 40M+ companies to expand your total addressable market

  • Reach 180M+ leads and decision-makers via email, phone calls, and B2B social media

  • Quickly qualify your prospects and engage them at the right time by leveraging 30+ trigger events and intent signals

  • Uncover and accelerate revenue opportunities with up-to-date profiles of companies that are ready to enter your sales pipeline 

  • Optimize your workflows by seamlessly integrating with your sales and marketing tools—with the option to support native apps within the platform 

  • Automatically add new leads from website traffic to your database, synchronize intent data in real time, and update your CRM with the latest changes in customer profiles

Want to learn more about Dealfront? Request your free demo here.

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FAQs about contact databases 

How to find business contact information

Common strategies include:

  • Tapping into industry-specific directories, business listings, and your professional network to identify potential contacts and companies.

  • Leveraging social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, to connect with your prospects and gather contact information from their profiles.

  • Attending industry conferences, trade shows, and networking events to meet new leads and exchange business cards or contact details.

How to easily find company contacts

Retrieving the company contacts your teams need with the traditional methods outlined above will yield results. However, it is often a long and complex process. 

A more effective plan would be to use a platform like Dealfront to access a vast B2B contact database in a GDPR-compliant way or continuously gain information from web visitors to effortlessly expand your outreach across regions.

By doing so, you can easily find new business contact details to supercharge your sales and marketing initiatives.