Less time researching, more time closing deals

Qualify companies faster with comprehensive profiles. Access compliant contact information for the right decision-makers and reach out equipped with detailed insights.
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Brands that trust us

The largest B2B database in Europe






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Focus on your most important companies with deep data

Drill down on a companies’ list to find the ones that fit your ICP best. Access their company profiles with deep data to find all the information you need to contact the right decision-makers at the right time.

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Never miss an update with 30+ trigger events

Stay up-to-date with alerts directly in your inbox. Choose from trigger events such as financial statements, webpage changes, job offers and more. Set up the type of news you want to follow, pick the frequency, and receive updates on your email to act faster.

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Keep your CRM up to date with compliant B2B data

Send data from Connect to your CRM with one click. Power your revenue teams with high-quality and up-to-date data, to help them close deals more efficiently.

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Access information on-the-go with Connect's browser extension

Get all the relevant company and contact information for the website you’re on directly from the extension and with a click of a button. Contact the right person without changing windows or leaving their website with a displayed email address and phone number.

Install Browser Extension
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“Echobot [Dealfront] Connect has helped us reduce our research time by at least 50 percent. The setup and training were so easy that our employees were able to optimise their sales processes immediately. The integration into our CRM, Salesforce, worked smoothly, too, simplifying our daily business activities even more.”
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Daniel van Lierop

CEO at „alivello” GmbH

All the deep data you can get

Company data

Unlock valuable insights such as trade register addresses, associated keywords, employees, revenue, industry, VAT, commercial register entries, website data and more.

Contact data

Dive deep into job titles, positions, organizational structure, hierarchy levels, and contact details like validated emails, phone numbers, or social business accounts.

Trigger events

Stay up-to-date with our 30+ trigger events such as change in management, trade fair participation, expansion, financing and more.

Financial data

Access valuable data such as revenue, earnings, balance sheets, revenue per employee, cash on hand, financial statements, and more.

Tech stack data

Uncover the tools your target accounts rely on. Discover what shop systems, analytics tools, payment solutions, delivery services, web development tools they are using.

Company news

Stay informed about the latest news and developments affecting your target accounts. Get updates about their latest company news and announcements.

Frequently asked questions

Focus on your key accounts with our deep data

GDPR Compliant

Built & Hosted in EU

Deep B2B Data

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