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The Best 26 Sales Blogs You Should Definitely Read in 2024

Franziska Hör 14 Januar 2024

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Beste B2B Sales Blogs

There are many ways to stay informed and up to date. Podcasts, blogs, webinars or the classic way: books. How you prefer learning depends entirely on your personal preferences, and how you can best integrate it into your daily life. Many people love podcasts, so, we compiled the best podcasts for you. Even if it's tempting to listen to content, you shouldn't completely give up reading a blog post every now and then.

Don't be put off by all the text! In fact, most of the time it takes you much less time to read a blog post than it does to listen to podcasts. They give you the opportunity to read quite selectively and you often get supporting content through infographics, images and videos that quickly immerse you in the topic. Hot topics are usually published on a daily to weekly basis. This means that if you invest just a few minutes every day, you can take away a lot from good blogs for your everyday work.

Get updates via RSS feed when new articles appear on your favorite blog. Most blogs also offer a newsletter that sends the latest articles directly to your inbox.

We’ve selected the most informative sales blogs for you! Remember, this is only a listing and not a ranking. We deliberately do not want to rate the blogs, because you should decide for yourself which ones appeal to you most.

Choose four to five blogs that are relevant to your interests, subscribe to their newsletter, and be open to new things!

With this list, we want to give you a selection of high-quality sales blogs where you can choose the ones that are the most suitable for your needs.

Have fun reading and discovering!

Blogs About Leadership

Ambition´s Sales Performance Blog

Published by: Ambition

Special focus: Addresses executives / sales leaders

Are you responsible for a sales team? Then this blog will be very helpful for you. Ambition develops gamification software and knows how to keep your employees on track. In their blog, experts cover topics like coaching and motivation as well as productivity and performance measurement. You’re sure to find new ideas, insights and tools to get the maximum potential out of your sales team.

The Sales Leader

Published by: Colleen Francis

Special focus: Extra video series on sales during the pandemic

Colleen Francis is the author of the book "Nonstop Sales Boom" and she also gives you insights on big sales topics like productivity, pipeline management, and best practices on her own blog about twice a week. In addition to other video tips, she has set up a separate page where she addresses the special challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic brings to sales. We are sure you will learn a few things from this blog.

Blogs About Sales Psychology & Training

Cerebral Selling

Published by: David Priemer

Special focus: David is a sales trainer specialized in sales psychology and techniques.

David Priemer, author of the book "Sell The Way You Buy", provides tips on sales strategies on his blog, making the content interesting for both sales executives and sales staff. However, newcomers can learn from the insights into sales psychology. Priemer draws on current studies and even finds answers to questions such as "How to Sell if You Hate Selling".

Gong Labs

Published by: Gong

Special focus: Facts based on figures & analysis

Are you a numbers person that likes to rely on cold, hard facts? Then this blog is definitely the right one for you! In a series of articles in the "Gong Labs" category, you'll get insights evaluated by means of artificial intelligence. The company uses anonymized data collected via its own sales process for analysis. By doing so, they can find out to what extent the actions of buyers and sellers affect conversions and purchases. These analyses and insights gained from them are published at least once a month in the blog. This way you can also increase your sales quota.


Published by: Jeb Blount

Special focus: Articles, videos & podcasts from various sales personalities

Best-selling author Jeb Blount not only founded Sales Gravy, but also takes it upon himself to personally fill the company blog with useful content. Sales Gravy is dedicated to sales training and shares all the helpful tips. Anyone who likes multimedia content will be happy. Jeb also brings other experts and sales trainers on board, preparing the information for use in articles, videos, and podcasts. You’ll also have the opportunity to access free training content.

Blogs about Data

Showpad Sales Enablement Blog

Published by: Showpad

Special focus: All you’ve ever wanted to know about data and sales enablement

If you’ve never heard of sales enablement or just wanted to brush up on your basics, then hurry over to Showpad’s Sales Enablement blog. From the basics to advanced sales enablement skills as well as tips on working with data, they’ve got you covered. Not only is the content a standout, but their casual style makes for a great read. 

Blogs with Recruiting & Teams in Sales

Closer IQ Blog

Published by: Closer IQ

Special focus: Detailed eye on sales recruiting

Managers know how hard it is to find suitable sales staff, so maybe this blog can provide support. As a sales recruiting specialist, Closer IQ includes a network of over 60,000 sales team leaders and frequently addresses sales recruiting on its blog. Here, you'll find tips for both the recruiting process and subsequent onboarding. The articles are not only helpful for managers, but also exciting for new employees.

OpenView Sales Blog

Published by: OpenView Venture Partners

Special focus: Insights on the topics of sales management and founding

The OpenView Sales Blog provides you with tips on investing, and building sales teams in newly-found software companies. The blog covers topics such as using metrics to strengthen your sales team, BDE training, as well as product-oriented growth. Hot topics like Value Based Selling, Usage-Based Pricing or Tech Stack in Sales haven’t been forgotten either!

Sandler Sales Training and Performance Improvement Insights Blog 

Published by: Sandler Systems, LLC

Special features: An interactive blog with lots of visually interesting elements

This blog is exactly what it advertises on the box: a blog offering sales training and performance improvement tips. Garner actionable insights from global experts including hot button topics like the influence of AI and ChatGPT on sales. The blog has a great search function that makes finding your topic of interest easier.

Blogs on SaaS

SaaStr Academy: SaaStr Blog

Published by: SaaStr

Special focus: SaaStr isn’t just a blog but also an online community of sales professionals.

The SaaStr blog covers the whole spectrum of the SaaS sector. Posts like “CEO Shares His Top 10 Mistakes in 10 Years” give you a complete first-person perspective. Added bonus: SaaStr publishes many ebooks, hosts webinars and other events to extend your learning and involvement in the SaaS scene.

Blogs About Marketing, Sales and Branding

Whoisvisiting Blog

Published by: Whois

Special focus: Great mix of sales, marketing and products

On the blog of Whoisvisiting or Whois you will find everything your sales heart desires. From basics like "What is B2B Sales anyway?" to mail campaigns and website visitor tracking, anyone who spends time in B2B for a living will get their money's worth. Their own product recommendations are there, but definitely not too intrusive. The search function on the right-hand side of the screen also makes it easier for you to get directly to your topic without spending hours searching.

Unbound B2B Blog

Published by: UnboundB2B

Special focus: Very up-to-date

Last but not least, the blog of software provider UnboundB2B not only covers sales topics, but also numerous exciting topics from the field of marketing, such as account-based marketing or content planning. The thematic dovetailing of the two areas and the topicality of the articles offer you plenty of high-quality insights. In addition, several e-books are available as downloads.

Heinz Marketing

Published by: Heinz Marketing

Special focus: Wide-ranging sales & marketing blog

If you’d like to broaden your view, you've come to the right place. The Heinz Marketing agency brings together sales and marketing on its blog, creating an important understanding of both sides and how they work together optimally. In almost daily new posts, you learn more about content strategy, how to fill your sales pipeline, and which tools are indispensable in sales and marketing. We also recommend "Matt's App of the Week", and a weekly roundup of posts worth reading from around the web. Perhaps you'd like to recommend this blog to your marketing colleagues?

HubSpot Blog

Published by: HubSpot

Special focus: HubSpot expertise read by over 7 million people every month

HubSpot is an authority in sales and marketing! That's why they don't miss the opportunity to highlight current topics on their own blog. Divided into three categories: sales, marketing and service. HubSpot users can find what they're looking for right where they live.

New articles, read in 3-5 minutes, go online daily. These include everyday questions from sales, but also definitions and strategies. You can also get helpful downloads for some articles!

Pipedrive Blog

Published by: Pipedrive

Special focus: A well-balanced mix of sales, marketing and product content.

If you’re looking for it, the Pipedrive blog has it! The topic categorization gives you a greater overview to help you find what you’re looking for, faster. The blog covers everything from start ups to productivity and everything in between. You’re sure to find practical sales tips you can implement right away. 

Blogs About Digital Sales Strategies

The StoryXpress Blog

Published by: StoryXpress

Special focus: Especially interesting for remote selling/video sales

StoryXpress doesn’t just provide you with a handy tool for video creation, but also maintains a blog full of tips and tricks concerning remote communication and selling. You probably had to adjust your sales in the last year as well, so why not learn from the remote experts? StoryXpress isn’t all sales and marketing but also has articles about customer support and human resources – always combined with video interaction.

The Sales Blog

Published by: Anthony Iannarino

Special focus: Daily tips from the well-known sales coach himself

If you Google "sales blog," you can't miss Anthony Iannarino. The B2B sales coach, author, and speaker has been running his sales blog for over 10 years and provides his readership with a new topic every day. In doing so, he highlights every stage of the sales process, from research to closing. He motivates his readers, offers practical suggestions and knows no taboos. His style is refreshing and easy to read. A short excerpt at the beginning of each article shows you exactly what it's about. However, if you prefer listening to content, you won't miss out either-Anthony also offers a podcast!

Jill Konrath

Published by: Jill Konrath

Special focus: Lively style of writing with personal experiences

Once or twice a week, B2B sales expert Jill Konrath covers big and small sales questions, such as "How do I increase my productivity?", "What's on my target audience's mind?" or "How do I close the sale?". What makes her blog so special is that it reads less like a technical book and more like personal stories from everyone’s lives – storytelling at its best. However, this doesn’t mean that technical knowledge is neglected! On the contrary, Jill’s stories are full of tips and tricks for your everyday sales life. Jill is also the author of many books, including "Selling to BIG Companies", "SNAP Selling: Speed Up Sales and Win More Business with Today's Frazzled Customers", and "More Sales, Less Time.”


Published by: Heather Morgan

Special focus: In-depth insides on sales emails including tips on writing

Have you always wanted to learn how to write emails that are so impactful that the recipient feels compelled to read? SalesFolk's blog will be your new favorite source for helpful tips, creative ideas and clear text examples! Heather doesn't provide you with empty promises—her tips are A/B tested and approved. 

Joanne’s Blogs

Published by: Joanne Black

Special focus: Everything about referral selling

As the URL suggests, you'll find alternatives to cold calling on Joanne's blog. Joanne Black is an expert in referral selling and firmly believes that salespeople can successfully build a customer base through personal referrals alone. And impressively, she has proven that this works. With her own strategy, she has already won customers from a wide range of industries and sizes. She describes in more detail how this works in her book "NO MORE COLD CALLING™: The Breakthrough System That Will Leave Your Competition in the Dust". So, if you're one of those sales reps who doesn't like to do impersonal cold calls, check out her blog.

Sales Insights Lab

Published by: Mark Wayshak

Special focus: Content is presented in an easy way

Mark's blog immediately impresses with its clear visual layout. A new article goes live weekly and is clearly subdivided complete with a summarizing video. That way, you can glean the most important details from the article even if you’re short on time. A funny detail are the cover pictures, which show Mark in poses that match the topic. His topics range from cold calling to sales tactics to phrases that everyone in sales has heard before. Incidentally, as a sales expert, he has also published books that back up his expertise, such as "Game Plan Selling" or "The High-Velocity Sales Organization." He also runs a successful YouTube channel with over 100,000 subscribers.

LinkedIn Sales Solutions Blog

Published by: LinkedIn

Special focus: Social Selling news directly from the business network

It is hard to imagine everyday sales life without LinkedIn. Accordingly, their Sales Solutions Blog should not be either. Here, you will find daily news and updates concerning social selling, but also get insights into best practices and exciting interviews. Are there any innovations on the sales platform? Who's giving a sneak peak behind the scenes? You can find the answers on the LinkedIn Sales Solutions Blog.

Salesforce Blog

Published by: Salesforce

Special focus: Numerous authors with Salesforce know-how

Salesforce has long been more than a classic CRM system and it is impossible to imagine the daily work of many sales employees without it. As with the platform itself, the target audience of their blog also extends beyond Salesforce. On the Salesforce blog, you can filter specifically by your area, your industry and the topics that interest you. For example, you can choose from digital transformation or customer engagement. The diversity of the blog is already reflected in the fact that there are different authors and the content topics, broad. There is something for everyone here.


Published by: DIGITALL

Special focus: Content about Customer Journey Management

DIGITALL, a German company, has set up a blog that does not focus exclusively on sales, but is dedicated to the entire customer journey. Since the customer journey brings along many interesting starting points, these are discussed in individual articles. You can gain useful insights not only to you, but also to your colleagues from marketing or those responsible for CRM.

Take the time to read the articles that are not relevant for your department. Think outside the box!

Blogs With a Community

Sales Hacker

Published by: Sales Hacker

Special focus: B2B platform by sales professionals for sales professionals

Sales Hacker is not a classic blog, but rather a kind of community. In addition to a discussion platform, you'll also find articles, videos, a podcast, templates for your sales work, training & events and even a small job board – everything your sales heart desires. It is also interactive which means you can actively participate, ask questions and discuss. That means you can expect a wide range of topics.

Blogs for Start-Ups and SMEs

The Close Sales Blog

Published by: Close

Special focus: Insider sales tips for startups and small to mid-sized businesses

Close's company blog is primarily aimed at smaller businesses. Here, you'll get B2B sales tips tailored to your exact needs. CEO Steli Efti reports on the blog from his own experience and through the eyes of a startup founder. In addition, the team always has helpful downloads for you. Some of the articles are written in great detail and the reading time varies between three and fifteen minutes.

InsideSales Blog

Published by: InsideSales

Special focus: More than just a sales blog

Some of you may still know this blog under the name  Xant.ai, but today it runs under InsideSales.com. Although the topics are focused on sales, they also go beyond that. The categorization makes it easy to find the topic that interests you the most. In addition to many best practices, you can also read up on the topic of artificial intelligence on this blog.

Blogs with Tool Reviews

GZ Consulting

Published by: Michael Levy

Special focus: Accurate source for industry updates

Michael Levy is a top consultant in the SaaS sector. His broad perspectives on Sales Intelligence, Sales Engagement, and B2B Data as a Service give you great insights on a variety of topics. His blog dates back to 2015, when he started to write about newly released products and updates on the industry. Profit from his experience which he displays in a wide range of categories.

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