The Sales Stoic
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Dealfront Digest - Deine Sales und Marketing Insights im Dezember | Dealfront Digest ✉️
December 2024
Dealfront Digest - Deine Sales und Marketing Insights im Dezember | Dealfront Digest ✉️
die neue Ausgabe unseres Dealfront Digest Newsletters erwartet Dich mit einer Fülle an Insights! Tauche ein in die Welt von Sales und Marketing – erfahre mehr über nützliche Tools und wie Du Deine Strategien optimieren kannst. Wir stoßen in der Zwischenzeit auf ein erfolgreiches vergangenes Jahr an und freuen uns auf alles, was uns in 2025 erwartet.
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The Sales Stoic
Jack Frimston und Zac Thompson liefern Dir die tägliche Extraportion Sales-Wissen, Inspiration und Philosophie! Überwinde Hürden im Vertrieb mit Klarheit, Selbstvertrauen und Integrität.
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Das war’s für diesen Monat – und für dieses Jahr! Während Du Dich auf die Festtage einstimmst, denk daran: Es ist nie zu spät, Deine Sales- & Marketing-Strategien zu optimieren. Wir wünschen Dir eine Zeit voller Freude, Erfolg und vielleicht auch ein paar extra Deals unter dem Baum.
Als kleines Weihnachtsgeschenk haben wir den Mann der Stunde getroffen – er hat ein paar Worte für Dich, die Dich durch die letzten Wochen des Jahres begleiten sollen! Wir sehen uns 2025!
Bis bald 👋🏻
Dein Dealfront-Team
Revenue Insider - Revenue Insider #7 - Company vs Person Website Visitor Identification
December 2024
Revenue Insider - Revenue Insider #7 - Company vs Person Website Visitor Identification
Hi there,
I’m Kevin McIntyre, Chief Revenue Officer at Dealfront, and I’m excited to welcome you to the latest edition of Revenue Insider.
In this newsletter, I’ll continue to share key lessons, strategies, and insights that have been instrumental in driving revenue growth in the B2B SaaS world. My goal is to provide you with actionable tips and advice that you can implement immediately to scale your business.
In this issue, we’re focusing on a topic that is important to anyone targeting a specific audience:
Company and person website visitor identification – the ongoing debate between company-level and person-level identification in sales and marketing efforts is a hot topic. We’ll be looking at why focusing on the former might just be the smarter approach.
Company vs Person Website Visitor Identification
We’re constantly collecting data on our prospects, but how we use that data can make a huge difference. It’s tempting to focus on individual-level insights, after all, knowing who exactly is visiting your site sounds great, right? But focusing on company-level data, rather than individual data, can give us a much more well-rounded, scalable, and compliant approach to targeting potential customers.
Here’s why:
When you only focus on identifying individual visitors, you’re narrowing your view. Sure, you may know a lot about a specific person at a company, but what if that person leaves or their needs change? You’ve essentially lost the data goldmine. On the flip side, by identifying companies, you're getting a broader view of potential buyers within an organization. You can track trends, interests, and buying signals that apply across the whole company, giving you a better idea of where your marketing and sales efforts should be directed.
Person-level identification can run into privacy issues. With GDPR and other privacy regulations, tracking individuals comes with a lot of risks and limitations. It’s easy to overstep boundaries by tracking personal information without proper consent. Company-level data sidesteps these risks because you’re focusing on anonymous information, like which companies are visiting your website or engaging with your content.
A big takeaway here is that using company-level identification doesn’t just help with privacy compliance, it helps you create better, more effective campaigns. For example, if you’re a SaaS provider, knowing which companies are engaging with your content gives you the opportunity to tailor your messaging to their specific needs, industry, or even problems they may be facing. You can create content and campaigns that appeal to the entire organization, not just a single individual.
This approach can be much more efficient for both sales and marketing teams. By knowing which companies are engaging, marketing can create targeted campaigns that speak directly to specific industries or company sizes. Sales teams can use that information to focus on leads that are already interested and engaged, saving time and effort on cold outreach.
But, of course, it’s not a black-and-white issue. There’s definitely a time and place for person-level identification, especially if you have the right data protection policies in place. But the key message is: focusing on the company as a whole often gives you a better, more compliant foundation for your outreach, rather than zooming in too much on one person.
Dealfront Tip & Trick
Dealfront, integrated with your CRM, is a powerful tool. Did you know that:
You can create custom feeds that display only companies at specific deal stages, such as 'Open' instead of 'Won' or 'Lost' opportunities? And it gets better - you can even stay on top of key activity by setting up notifications for when these companies visit your website.
You can also filter the feed by CRM Company Owner and create personalized feeds for each sales rep, to make sure your whole team is kept in the loop.
I hope you found these insights valuable and that they help you take your business to the next level. While person-level identification can be useful in specific scenarios, company-level insights offer a more robust, scalable, and compliant foundation for your marketing and sales efforts. By broadening your focus to companies, you can create more effective campaigns, comply with privacy regulations, and ultimately improve your ROI.
I’m excited to continue this journey with you and share more in the next issue.
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