Stream Scoop
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„Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich ein Tool als ‚unverzichtbar‘ bezeichnen würde – aber genau das ist Dealfront Stream für mich geworden. Mit der beeindruckenden Themenvielfalt, den praxisnahen Expert*innen-Sessions und den flexiblen Formaten fällt es mir unglaublich leicht, auch bei einem vollen Terminkalender immer am Puls der Zeit zu bleiben. Dealfront Stream ist inzwischen meine erste Wahl, um mich weiterzubilden und auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben.“

Arran Nicholson
BDM @ Blackfoot Cyber Security
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Stream Scoop - Get ready for what's coming your way
December 2024
Stream Scoop - Get ready for what's coming your way
Stream Scoop
Get ready for what's coming your way:
Brand new series and old favourites new to Stream, plus more.

Coming January 1
The Sales Stoic
Jack Frimston • Zac Thompson
Each day presents a powerful quote from Stoic thinkers like Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus, followed by a tailored reflection that speaks directly to the unique struggles and opportunities faced by salespeople and some action points for them to build into their routines.

Coming January 1
All About B2B Marketing
Sanjana Murali
Interviews with marketing leaders & experts on topics like product marketing, demand generation, video and content marketing, lead generation, career tips, podcasting, and more.

Coming January 1
Growth Machines
Vincent Jong
Empowering B2B Product Managers to drive company growth by leveraging their product. Growth Machines equips PMs with the skills and tools to have a significant impact on go-to-market strategies.

Coming February
Revenue Career Ladder
Jamie Pagan
Helping revenue-focused professionals like you reach your dream job. Each episode features in-depth conversations with industry leaders and seasoned professionals who share their personal career stories, insights, and valuable lessons learned along the way.
Stream Scoop - Reminder: The Sales Stoic is now on Stream
January 2025
Stream Scoop - Reminder: The Sales Stoic is now on Stream