The Sales Stoic

February 25th - Don't Chase Shadows

7 min

“Keep a mental list of those who got caught up in anger and resentment over something, even the most renowned for success, misfortune, evil deeds, or any special distinction. Then ask yourself, how did that turn out? Just smoke and dust, the stuff of simple myth trying hard to be legend...” - Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius reminds us that many pursuits, like fame, wealth, or revenge, are nothing more than smoke and dust.

Over time, the anger or ambition that fuels these goals fades, leaving little behind but empty myths.

In sales, it’s easy to get distracted by external rewards or resentments.

But the real work lies in serving customers, refining your skills, and maintaining a healthy mindset.

External recognition is fleeting, but your approach to the work is what truly matters. Focus on what lasts.

Actionable tips:

  • Focus on the customer’s needs rather than obsessing over personal recognition or hitting the next target at all costs.
  • When frustrated, ask yourself: Will this matter a month or a year from now? If not, let it go.
  • Regularly review your core values and priorities to ensure you’re not chasing superficial goals.

Remember you will die.

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The Sales Stoic draws inspiration from the profound wisdom of Stoicism as presented in Ryan Holiday's "The Daily Stoic." As avid readers & fans, we deeply respect the work of Ryan Holiday, and acknowledge the significant impact of Stoic philosophy on our own approach to sales and life.

While The Sales Stoic applies the core principles of Stoicism to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by salespeople, it is an original work with its own distinct voice and focus. We aim to build upon the timeless wisdom of Stoicism to empower sales professionals with practical guidance and actionable insights for success in their careers and personal lives.

  • Jack Frimston

    Jack Frimston

    Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting

  • Zac Thompson

    Zac Thompson

    Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting

Well, well, well, happy International Clam Chowder Day. I've been waiting for this day all year. It's my favourite day associated with clam chowder. So it's great to celebrate with you. It's great to be with you for this one. And I'm sure people already know this. That means it's the 25th of February. Clam Chowder Day. Clam Chowder Day. a list before your mind of those who burned with anger and resentment about something.

of even the most renowned for success, misfortune, evil deeds or any special distinction. Then ask yourself, how did that work out? Smoke and dust, the stuff of simple myth, trying to be legend. Really nice. And I'm going to start you off with something here. I'm going to start off with a myth that exists. Okay, hit me with a myth. Cold calling is dead. I agree. What? I agree.

We've got a team of 20 that are on the phones every day, cold calling. And yeah, they book meetings and yeah, they book meetings that turn into closed deals and make lots of money, but cold calling must be dead. Surely I saw it on LinkedIn once. Wow. Okay. I'm going to tell you something. I'm going to, I'm going to correct you. When do you think cold calling is dead was first said during the pandemic 2020? Nope. 2000, the email.

No, it was in the 1960s. Wow. Yes. Cold calling is dead was said then. And it's been said since then in the same way that email is dead. Events are dead. Relationships dead. AI is going to take over salespeople. It's all this continuous mess that's being passed around. Why do you think people would feel like they want to

say cold calling is dead. Why do you think people would want to say that? Where does that myth normally come from? Typically the people that I see say cold calling is dead. It's usually followed by I hate receiving cold calls or I wouldn't want my team to do cold calls because of X opinion or X feeling towards it. I feel like it's intrusive. I feel like you're bombarding people. So is cold calling dead or is cold calling dead hard?

For you. Hey, is it dead hard? Very good. I'll tell you something as well. It's interesting, right? So that is a belief system, right? People like cold call is dead. Doesn't work anymore. Connection, right? Blah, blah. Most salespeople will ring at the level they believe they're worth. People normally come to us and say, I want to get in front of the people at the top of the tower. I want to speak to the CEO because they probably know they themselves or their team won't or can't do it. I've had many a time where I've called the CEO and I've said,

Jack, I'm sure you get millions of these. So I'll just be really upfront with mine. It's actually a cold call. So I don't know if you want to hang up on me now, throw your phone out the window or let me have 30 seconds. And they say, you know what? get thousands of emails, but very few cold calls. So good on you. I sat down with the CEO of a massive software company who said they receive a thousand cold emails on a weekly basis. A thousand thousand. And they have to go through on a Sunday night and delete them all.

And every now and then there'll be something that might be a bit interesting or creative that they'll be like, all right, but hardly any cold calls. Wow. Wow. Why do you think that is? Because we speak about it in previous episodes, but like communication style, especially as young people are typically at the forefront of, SDR ring and developing new business and lead generation and things like that. They've grown up in a world that

Do you remember me and you, we've been mates a long time now. long. I used to call you on the landline. You used to call me on your landline. Yeah. I used to call you on your landline and say, you play it out. Do you want to play out today? And then I'd call you on your mobile and you'd be like, Oh, I've just got £10 credit. And then slowly over time, you'd use your phone box, your landline, but then texting started and then messenger started and then WhatsApp took over. And all of a sudden.

People aren't actually talking anymore. There's a lot of written communication back and forward, back and forward. That's where a lot of Gen Z are feeling comfortable. So if it's not something that you've always known, why would you necessarily want to do something unknown that might be scary? It's often not taught either, it? So you're learning at school how to write, which obviously very useful, but you're learning a lot of skills. And unless you're looking for those extracurricular, all your options that you pick are.

drama based or speaking or whatever it may be, there's probably no scenario where you're being forced into those spots anymore. Because like you say, you can talk in, in text or you can get on the, the bloody Facebook's, you call the bloody bloody Bebo in that. so yeah, so because that's been abandoned and then think of things like the pandemic, the next batch of salespeople that are coming through now, often are those people that have been in a pandemic been raised on the phone and perhaps haven't been put in those uncomfortable situations. So not only is rejection as uncomfortable as it would be for everyone, but it's extra uncomfortable because you haven't even really experienced it in your own life. And any beliefs or myths should always be questioned. Yeah. It's like, what, what's the, let me invert that. What's the opposite of that? What, what's the, if I, if I didn't agree with that, what, would that look like and why, what, how could the opposite of that be valuable to me?

And it's just about questioning. And so many people go through their lives of, no, I've got this set of beliefs and actually I don't want to change. I'm comfortable having this. But the best people that are successful change their beliefs and they grow their beliefs and they get beliefs like shackles on your feet. And sometimes you're walking around with things that you didn't even know existed, but your parents instilled in you decades ago. it's up to you to cut those shackles loose. Exactly.

Exactly. Imagine how many people are thinking you can't bother busy people. Can't interrupt them in their day. you shouldn't ring a stranger. You shouldn't speak to a stranger. And those are all myths and stories that they probably picked up that were useful to tell a four year old, but probably aren't as useful for a 34 year old. Exactly. And it shows itself in procrastination because people typically won't want to admit the truth. They won't want to admit. don't want to bother people.

So they'll procrastinate and they'll say, well, I've sent them an email. You've seen that meme and it's like, have you called them? I sent them an email. Just call them. I'll send them another email. Just bloody call them. I've sent them a text. And it's just like, just pick up the phone and do the bit. Have the human conversation. They call it B2B. It should be H2H, human to human. Thanks. I've been Jack Frimston. I've been Zach Thompson. Remember you will die. You can't handle babe Ruth.

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