The Sales Stoic

February 26th - Focus On Your Path, Not Theirs

7 min

“Someone has wronged me? That’s on them... What matters to me is staying aligned with the natural order…” - Marcus Aurelius

Don’t let the actions of others derail your focus.

Whether it’s a deal gone wrong, office politics, or an unexpected rejection, their behavior is beyond your control. What’s within your power is your response.

Redirect your energy to what truly matters. Focus on your actions, your attitude, and your goals. By staying aligned with your purpose, you turn setbacks into stepping stones and maintain the clarity needed to move forward.

In the end, your success isn’t determined by what others do but by how steadfastly you walk your own path.

Actionable tips:

  • Don’t let competitors or office distractions pull your attention away from what you need to achieve. Set clear daily objectives and measure progress against your own benchmarks.
  • If a deal falls through or someone criticises your work unfairly, don’t dwell on it. Move on to the next opportunity with fresh energy.
  • Train yourself to not react impulsively to others' negative actions or comments. Take a deep breath, reflect, and choose your response wisely.

Remember you will die.

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The Sales Stoic draws inspiration from the profound wisdom of Stoicism as presented in Ryan Holiday's "The Daily Stoic." As avid readers & fans, we deeply respect the work of Ryan Holiday, and acknowledge the significant impact of Stoic philosophy on our own approach to sales and life.

While The Sales Stoic applies the core principles of Stoicism to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by salespeople, it is an original work with its own distinct voice and focus. We aim to build upon the timeless wisdom of Stoicism to empower sales professionals with practical guidance and actionable insights for success in their careers and personal lives.

  • Jack Frimston

    Jack Frimston

    Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting

  • Zac Thompson

    Zac Thompson

    Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting

I'm like a bird, I wanna fly away. Sorry, I didn't sing something else then. What were you gonna sing? I don't know, we normally sing when the cameras aren't really. Well, the cameras are on. So, it's the 26th of February. Can't be. It is. Bloody hell. February has flown by like a bird. Like a bird. Another has done me wrong. Let him see to it. He has his own tendencies and his own affairs. What I have now is what the common nature has willed.

and what I endeavor to accomplish now is what my nature wills. Guess. Marcus. It was Curly Chops. It was Marcus Aurelius Meditations 5.25. Another has done me wrong. Let him see to it. Do you follow Mel Robbins? I know her as the she's sort of a funny enough kind of a Tony Robbins kind of.

Kind of that feeling, but they're actually not related. Guru mindset, self development. She talks about the high five theory. She's got the, she calls it the rocket. So in the morning you count backwards from five and then you jump out of bed. Whereas we not, we, don't share the same bed, but I think we do some of the things in the bed together, not together, but when we're not together. Okay. Marcus Aurelius quotes go off. Yeah. You're not meant to be in bed. What you put on this earth or bang. then we've jumped out of bed. To the thing that you do.

Yeah, we can talk about that. They can believe it out. Yeah. You want to do it? You do it. We got this. So the alarm goes out. at mine, didn't you? When we started the business, the alarm went off. The alarm clock goes off and you can hear Jack go, one motherfucker, two motherfucker, three. And then he jumps out of bed on three. Because I thought the rocket five second, dude's got five seconds. No, I'm always trying to hustle culture. motherfucker, two motherfucker, three. And then you're out of bed. Yeah. But that what she got, she's also got a theory that's called

Let them, which is very to each his own. And it's interesting because obviously Marks are everything's a remix. Marcus Radius said, let him see to it, but let him let them. So somebody over there's sending cold emails and not cold calling. Let them. That person just hung up on me and said they never want to hear from me again. Cool. Let them like all of these different things. If it's out your control, let other people do what they want to, what they want to do. Like stop getting so caught up in things that you can't control. That's like the Jocko. I think it's only maybe two, three minute video. It might be one of his most viewed videos, but it's just called good and anything that comes up. So I've got a cold good. I don't want to get up today. Good. Everything that comes up, you've got the choice to say good. And it's just all the things that could possibly come in. You as a potential obstacle and it's good because the obstacle is the way exactly.

And I remember once in a WhatsApp group we've got with some friends from, from back home, we all had one opinion on something, but one of our friends had the total opposite opinion. It was getting a bit rowdy and a bit of an argument. And I just said, is there anything we could say within the next hour of arguing about this that would change your mind? And he said, no, simple. Should we just agree that it's not worth it then? And move on. We just moved on. Yeah. Just, and I think that's a great question to us. And when you hit those moments, cause people trying to persuade each other aren't really going to get anywhere. If you just hit the point of, there anything I could say now that would persuade you otherwise? No. Okay. Well, let's just, let's just leave it then. Not here to convince you. the Keanu Reeves one is something like two, if somebody came to me and said two plus two is five at this point in my life, I'm like, cool, whatever. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. whatever you want. Yeah. Because why are you going to like lay there awake or why are you going to try and

argue with people where it's just not going to have any benefit on your it's just going to drain your energy and I and there's a there's a thing about decision fatigue you know about this where you only have X amount of decisions that you can make in a day before you're physically knackered that's why like the likes of Steve Jobs will just be like I'm wearing the same t-shirt day in day out but it's like are you really gonna waste that amount of energy over that?

There's a, there's something that, I saw something that was like, if somebody stole five pounds from you, but you 85,000 pounds in the bank, would you be bothered about it? No. So if somebody's annoyed you for five minutes, you can let it ruin your day. No. Yeah. So you just, you just got to let these things slide, but it's hard. But what things can you tell yourself or can you say to your ego in those times of, actually.

I like I want to say something or I feel like I want to argue. yourself why. That's the first instance. Ask yourself, is this true? And then ask yourself questions like, who would I be if this was true? Who would I be if I got this? Who would I be if I didn't? But also look at your own state as well. What would actually change about me? If I got the thing, if it had worked out, what would have changed about me? Nothing. If I didn't get the thing, which I haven't now, what changes now? Nothing.

Yeah, I always try. You might have this as well, but on LinkedIn, like people, if I'm talking about cold calling or email being dead or whatever, I've posted a bit of rage bait to try and get me. People will try and argue with me and my responses will always try and be something humorous of like, grow up. Yeah. Something silly because I'm not going to sit there and actually argue with internet's on the straight line, strangers on the internet. I'm not going to waste my time. So I think the best advice I have to salespeople is

There'll be people doing things that you probably don't agree with in sales, in your office, in life. Good. think I've done a post about this before, but you know, when people say X thing doesn't work in sales or X thing doesn't work in marketing. I said, you should only be allowed to post that if you can put for me. Yeah. And so that permission based open, it doesn't work for me. Here's the one that does work for me. Yeah. Everything's contextual to you. I think it's really off putting people.

just trying to get into industry or find their way in sales to say, here's things that don't work. And then you send another post, which here's things that do work. It should be for me. Yeah. And it's like, you've been in sales for two years and you found one thing that works great. Shout about it and post like that case study, but you can't just say blanket. Yeah, it doesn't work. I've been Jack Frimston. I've been Zach Thompson. Remember you will die. Duran Duran.

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