The Sales Stoic

March 16th - Protect Your Mindspace

4 min

“Value your ability to understand, for it ensures that nothing enters your mind that contradicts nature or logic. It’s the foundation of your responsibility, demanding care for others, diligence in your actions, and alignment with your values.” - Marcus Aurelius

Our ability to think clearly is sacred. It’s the foundation for making decisions that align with logic, empathy, and our core values.

By protecting this capacity, we ensure our actions are grounded in wisdom.

In sales, mental clarity is invaluable and it helps you understand client needs, navigate objections, and close deals.

But distractions and external pressures can cloud your thinking.

Guard your mental space, focus on what truly matters: serving your customers and creating win-win solutions.

Keep your mind sharp, and you’ll make better decisions every time.

Actionable tips:

  • Be selective about what you allow into your headspace. Don’t dwell on negative feedback, pointless gossip, or irrelevant information. Focus on what helps you grow.
  • Before you dive into your day, take a few moments to ground yourself—whether through meditation, deep breathing, or simply writing down your priorities.
  • Let your decisions be guided by principles like integrity, diligence, and care for your clients. If something feels off, trust your gut and revisit your approach.

Remember you will die.

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The Sales Stoic draws inspiration from the profound wisdom of Stoicism as presented in Ryan Holiday's "The Daily Stoic." As avid readers & fans, we deeply respect the work of Ryan Holiday, and acknowledge the significant impact of Stoic philosophy on our own approach to sales and life.

While The Sales Stoic applies the core principles of Stoicism to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by salespeople, it is an original work with its own distinct voice and focus. We aim to build upon the timeless wisdom of Stoicism to empower sales professionals with practical guidance and actionable insights for success in their careers and personal lives.

  • Jack Frimston

    Jack Frimston

    Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting

  • Zac Thompson

    Zac Thompson

    Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting

God on high in my prayer. Name the musical I couldn't tell you it was Les Miserables out of 10 the way you sang mm-hmm I was shocked. Thank you 16th of March protect your mind space. Okay, I will not Facebook not Bebo mine space not my space mind space Value your ability to understand for ensures that nothing enters your mind that contradicts nature or logic. It's the foundation of your responsibility, demanding care for others, diligent in your actions and alignment with your values. It's Curly Chops. It's Marcus Aurelius. Nice. So protecting your mind space. Lots and lots of different things we could talk about here. I do like to talk a little bit about like preparing and prioritizing. one of the things that I do and the Stoics love to journal.

But I will ask myself three questions in the morning and I'll write them down. So one is, how do I be a better leader? How do I be a better partner? And how do I be the best version of myself today? So there are three questions that I asked myself written down and then I will write something and that will give me something tangible that I can do that day to actually move the needle forward. So what I would say to salespeople is start the day with, how do you be a better salesperson?

And that might be more input, maybe listening to a podcast. But in terms of like finding the answers and solutions and solving problems, it all starts with questions. You've got to ask yourself those questions. There's an element of self reflection as well that's probably required. There's no self development without self awareness. We've said it before. say it again. But an ability to reflect on a call with what works and what doesn't. So if I was, I'll give you an example, right? So if I was practicing a new martial arts technique and I'm a white belt and I practice on a black belt, it doesn't work. Doesn't mean the technique doesn't work. But what a lot of people will do and it happens all the time is I might show someone mirroring and labeling from Chris Voss. They might jump on a call. It doesn't work. And rather than going, what was it about the technique and my delivery that didn't work? They just go, it just doesn't work. And they end up throwing the baby out with the bath water. Having a bit of self reflection between calls of that landed really well, bit of praise, but also that question didn't feel right. Or when they gave me that objection, it didn't feel right.

And having that ability to constantly self-reflect and document it throughout the day, have it on your notepad as you go through the day, you'll find that there's these incremental jumps and it feels like you're a bit more present and having a bit more cognition around what's actually happening and what you're doing about it. Really good, really good. And I also think like taking yourself away sometimes. So if you're in a situation or an environment that you feel isn't fueling you or feeding you or the, pardon? Name the situation. Tag Tag it if you're hard. I just think it's about like maybe, okay, right now the energy is off in the room. What? You mean that? Not with you. Hypothetically. Why do you call me hypothetically? And you can take yourself off into different rooms or different situations and really have like focus mode of, this is the mission. This is what I'm focused on.

I'm not gonna let other people's energy or negativity bring me down. Like your mind space, your mindset is so, so powerful. What you tell yourself is so powerful, yet so many people let others intrude and kind of walk in and start kicking dirt in your own mind. And I'm gonna go back to something you said before, you said better, there's a question that you ask. Better, better, and best, that was the theme of the three questions that you asked. Is there a way that you could...

hear a story at the start of the day that's snuck in and tell yourself a better story. Yeah. How do I, how, do I retell this story? But from a better angle. Exactly. I've been Jack Frimson. I've been Zach Thompson. Remember you will die.

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