The Sales Stoic

February 29th - Less Is More

6 min

“When children stick their hand down a narrow sweet jar and can’t pull it out, they start crying. Drop a few and you will get your hand out!” - Epictetus

In sales, it’s easy to chase after every opportunity. But trying to grab too much can leave you with nothing.

Like a child stuck in a jar full of treats, holding onto too many desires, whether they be leads, goals, or opportunities, can make us feel overwhelmed and ineffective.

Instead, focus on the few prospects that align with your values and goals.

Prioritize quality over quantity, and you’ll build stronger connections and close more deals. As The Rolling Stones said, “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.” Let go of distractions, and you’ll realize what you truly need might be right in front of you.

Actionable tips:

  • Prioritise your leads. Focus your efforts on the top 20% that have the best potential for conversion.
  • Before contacting a prospect, ask yourself if this connection aligns with your core goals. If it doesn’t, consider whether it's worth your time.

Remember you will die.

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The Sales Stoic draws inspiration from the profound wisdom of Stoicism as presented in Ryan Holiday's "The Daily Stoic." As avid readers & fans, we deeply respect the work of Ryan Holiday, and acknowledge the significant impact of Stoic philosophy on our own approach to sales and life.

While The Sales Stoic applies the core principles of Stoicism to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by salespeople, it is an original work with its own distinct voice and focus. We aim to build upon the timeless wisdom of Stoicism to empower sales professionals with practical guidance and actionable insights for success in their careers and personal lives.

  • Jack Frimston

    Jack Frimston

    Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting

  • Zac Thompson

    Zac Thompson

    Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting

Here we are on a day that doesn't always exist. And no, it's not the one day of the year that I respect you. It's the 29th of February. But it still exists. It does exist, but it exists in a leap year. But if time is a social construct, what is E? So does that mean we're not real? We're not real, but you're real to me. Really.

Okay cool. mind if I say that? I don't mind at all. I'm gonna give you the quote and I'm gonna ruin it for you. It's from Epictetus. Okay. Easy for you to say. Easy for me to say.

Wow. If he was around today, what do you think he'd be saying? Do you think he'd be saying about getting your hand in the Pringles can get it? Yeah. He'd be saying, just get a couple of Pringles poured out. Yeah. So you don't have to eat. Yeah. You don't have to put your whole fist in there. Once you pop, you can't stop. Grow up. Yeah, exactly. What would Jesus say? Epictetus. Epictetus. So look, I think this is a good place to talk about problems. Right. So our sales approach and the advice sales approach is forget about the solution, features, the advantages, benefits thing instead of what core problems does someone needs to have to make it worthwhile having a conversation with them? Yeah. You can do all that work, right?

You can then get the best objection handling framework together. You can have the best followup strategy ever. But what could happen is I could reach out to you, Jack. And I could think statistically, this guy is the guy he's going to have. Not only the problems that I solve, he's gonna have the motivation to buy from me. I reach out to you and you say, I have none of those problems. And not only that, I have no motivation to fix anything. In that regard, we're perfect. So it's not about focusing on what you want, what you're gonna get out of it, but instead focusing on the process. If that script is refined, if that approach is refined enough, statistically speaking to your ICP, someone is going to jump out and say, you know what, that definitely does apply to me.

And that's what sales is. We're looking to find those people that have the problems. I read something yesterday that said like, if I invite a friend over to my house and I say, do you want a chocolate chip cookie? And they say, no, thanks. I don't like chocolate chip cookies. I'm not trying to, I'm not going to try and give you a chocolate chip cookie, which I know is pushing product. I would have said like, I'm typically invited in by people that have a sweet tooth and they crave something sugary that might have a couple of little chocolate chips in it. But it is that thing of like, if you don't have the problem, like we're big on sticking in it enough and making sure that you know that they're, they're not qualified. don't, they're disqualified because they don't have those problems, but you can't sell to everybody. No, it just doesn't work like that. No, exactly. But what you can do is really make sure that you've squeezed everything out of the call.

So let's say then, right, you, Jack, you haven't got the problems. Okay. Well then probably the next step is I'm going to, I'm going to circle back and go for a one last question. And one last question might be just trying to find out, have those problems ever appeared? Maybe they haven't appeared now. Have they ever, or do they ever appear in, let's say the year? No, they don't. Okay. Kind of really push my luck. Then can I ask you one last question? Go on. Is there anyone else, you know, who's maybe a bit less fortunate than you who might be looking for X and salespeople?

tend to forget that, don't they? Because you might be working in an industry where everyone speaks to each other. You might be in an industry where there's events, there's networking, there's all these different things. And once you get in with one person, well, I don't have those problems, but I know Jessie does down the road. Yeah. And she's been struggling with it for ages. And, know, we were just talking about last week in the pub. In fact, let me, let me intro to you. Yeah. Shy bans get note. Exactly. And, and especially in like big organisations if you're doing like account based stuff, you might speak to people that aren't the right people to deal with it, but actually the introductions that they'll be able to do or the information that they might be able to give you, it's just sticking it a bit longer. Exactly. So don't go into the calls thinking I'm definitely going to get what I want out of this. The end goal, the perfect end goal. I'm definitely going to get that because what your salespeople think there is such thing as burnout.

And in a way there is, but it's not burnout. Like I'm a soldier on the front line. It's burnout because you've got an inability to regulate your own emotions. we've got that attachment to the perfect end outcome. doesn't happen by the time the afternoon comes around. I'm feeling this is awful. Yeah. I just don't want to do this anymore. If I focus on, well, there's all these different ways this can go. And actually I'm not going to focus on the perfect outcome. I'm just going to focus on an outcome. The rest of the work.

Exactly. And it goes back to that expectations piece. So New Year's Eve, typically the worst night of the year, because most people have such high expectations for it. I think it's going to be amazing. It's a new year. It's 20, 25. Let's go. It was rubbish. You know what mean? It always is. But that random Wednesday night in Sheffield upon Wednesday. It was pretty good, wasn't it? Exactly. I've been Jack Frimston. been Zack Thompson. Remember you will die. Pour some sugar on me.

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