“Many are hurt by fear itself, and many have met their fate while dreading it.” - Seneca
Fear often causes more harm than the situations we dread.
Studies show that 90% of our worries never come true, yet we let imagined outcomes hold us back.
In sales, fear might look like avoiding tough conversations or hesitating to make a call. But ask yourself, how often does reality match the fear in your mind?
Instead of letting fear paralyse you, use it as fuel. Focus on the facts, not the “what-ifs,” and let courage guide your next step.
Remember: The barrier isn’t the challenge itself; it’s the story fear tells you about it.
Actionable tips:
Take a moment to write down your top three work-related fears. Acknowledge them and evaluate whether they are based on reality or speculation.
Check out "What I Learned from 100 Days of Rejection" by Jia Jiang (TED Talk) for some tips on purposefully facing rejection and reframing it. Then, whenever you catch yourself worrying about a negative outcome, consciously reframe that thought into a positive action. Eg., instead of thinking, "I might mess this call up," switch to, "This call is an opportunity to learn and improve."
Set a goal to reach out to a certain number of leads each week, regardless of your fear of rejection. Taking consistent action can help diminish the power of fear over time.
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Subscribe to The Sales Stoic for daily insights: https://www.dealfront.com/resources/the-sales-stoic
Follow Jack & Zac: Jack: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jack-frimston-5010177b/ Zac: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zac-thompson-33a9a39b/
Connect with We Have a Meeting: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/we-have-a-meeting/ Website: https://www.wehaveameeting.com/
The Sales Stoic draws inspiration from the profound wisdom of Stoicism as presented in Ryan Holiday's "The Daily Stoic." As avid readers & fans, we deeply respect the work of Ryan Holiday, and acknowledge the significant impact of Stoic philosophy on our own approach to sales and life.
While The Sales Stoic applies the core principles of Stoicism to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by salespeople, it is an original work with its own distinct voice and focus. We aim to build upon the timeless wisdom of Stoicism to empower sales professionals with practical guidance and actionable insights for success in their careers and personal lives.
Jack Frimston
Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting
Zac Thompson
Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting
Sorry. I knew I'd be scared of you because fear is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Wow. Did you expect that? No, I didn't expect that. It's the 7th of February. I'm going to hit you with... Okay. I'm going to hit you with a short one today from our friend S-S-S-Seneca. Seneca. Many are harmed by fear itself and many may have come to their fate while dreading fate.
deep. We have some interesting conversations around like manifestation and the law of attraction, don't we? What's your hot take on it? I think probably the bit where it goes wrong is if I just think I will get something, then I will get it. Often it's, and who knows whether it's real or not, I'm not here to debate that, but it's if I put action to something. So if I want to get somewhere and I do things that get me there,
then the evidence would say that I should get there. think, sometimes I think the universe is rigged in such a way that if you want one thing badly enough, it's very hard for us to think of what was one thing that I wanted badly enough. I put all my effort into, did everything I could to get it and I didn't get it. Usually what happens is you can, when you've not achieved something, ask yourself the question, well, what didn't I do? And you can usually find at least a few things that you probably could have done to get there. What about you? I think it opens your mind.
to it, doesn't it? So like in the law of attraction, you're thinking, okay, well, I'm focusing on this all the time. Well, then if, if, if I, if you know the, the story of like, if you buy a red car, all of a sudden you see red cars everywhere. Well, it's the same if, if I'm always looking for business opportunities or clients we could work with, then all of a sudden that's all you see. Well, that's an interesting brand. I've never seen that brand before on a billboard, but they're, they're advertising. So maybe I could go and work with them or I could reach out to them and all these different things.
So you seek the opportunity the more and more you think of it. I, I'm a big fan of the law of attraction. I do feel like there is a lot in it. I do on a yearly basis, I'll do like the vision board and stuff like that. And I know, I know it sounds a cheesy. But, people, the people at home are, um, but, but I did a vision board and I forgot about it. I sent it to myself. And then a year later, I was like, Ooh, did I do a vision board last year? think I did search my emails.
And it was the exact day a year on. I'd sent it to myself. Spooky. And there was like three out of the six. What were the three? If you don't mind me asking the, uh, one was a business goal in terms of revenue. The second one was a baby boy. And I, and I, I said a baby boy, which is very no offence to girls. say you'd have ginger hair. didn't say you'd have ginger hair. Hopefully his mind. And the third one was a house and the house, I put a picture of a house. It actually looks like my back garden.
I think that's like the spooky bit where I was like, wow. And whether it's true or not, those things happen. there are other things on there that are not going to happen that year, but they are, they are now happening. I ask them what were the three things that didn't or haven't? one was a book, which has now happened. Right. Yeah.
And there was other things in terms of like speaking opportunities. I'd love to do a TED talk. Hmm. Yeah. But that's interesting, isn't it? Because you that that maybe did happen. Maybe there opportunities there and these are the things, but like you think about them and the more I think about them, as you see opportunities come through to you. So I think the big thing to say from the story quote today is like, if you go into your office and you say, I can't, I can't book a meeting.
I won't close that deal. whether you, you are right. Like if you go in and go, I'm going to book today and then you don't, you can feel deflated. So there's a fine line of positive self-talk on what you can tell yourself. Maybe you are telling yourself a negative story of I'm not going to do it. I'm not worth it. Nobody wants to talk to me. I can't do this. You won't. I promise you like that. That is just not going to help you achieve what you want to achieve. I think what fits there is our old friend.
Confucius. Yes. And he's got a lot of mic drops. Yes. The man who thinks he can't and the man who thinks he can are both right. Yes. I love that guy. You love that guy, don't you? I know we're not here to promote Confucius. No. Okay. Don't worry. the philosophers are available. Seneca, you're going to pay for this. jealous. Don't get jealous. But yeah, so I think there's definitely something in, I've found that just that one foot in front of the other mind of just
it will, it will find a way. I'll get to the finish line. But often what I'm seeing is this inability now to delay any sort of gratification. So the moment things don't work, I go, oh, well, the whole path must be ruined then. And there's a, actor, Mark Ruffalo, you know, Mark Ruffalo. I think I can see his face. He was the Hulk in the Avengers. He's done, done, he's done good films as well. But he was saying that before he
got his first acting gig, he did something like 354 auditions that were a no. And I think that's a really interesting lesson because imagine, say your number was, well, if I got a hundred rejections, I probably had given up. Maybe if I got 200 rejections, I'd have given up. But for him, it was 354 rejections till someone said, yeah, you've got the part. But he kept going because he knew like, well, at the end of this, I'm going to be an actor. He forgot the...
the rejections, the no's, he saw that as all part of the journey and thought it'll just work out at some point when it's meant to. So can you embrace just, this is what I'm gonna do. that is like, sometimes the most successful people are the ones that just stick with it long enough. Yeah. And just keep going and keep going and keep going and working on your craft and mastering those skills. And eventually, it's, it just doesn't make sense that if you put the time and effort in,
and you continue, whether it's five, 10 or 15 years, eventually you'll get there. I've been Jack Frimston. I've been Zach Thompson. Remember you will die. Tricking Kiev?